School Day

School Times
Morning Routine
8.50 am School gate opens
9.10 am Formal teaching begins
All pupils should be punctual for the commencement of formal teaching each morning at 9.10 am. If pupils arrive after this time, they will be marked as late. Unnecessary stress can be avoided if children arrive on time for school and are collected punctually at the end of the day.
Collection Times
1.30 pm Junior and Senior Infants are collected
2.30 pm 1st - 6th Class pupils are collected
The Education (Welfare) Act, 2000, Section 18, requires parents to notify the school in writing of the reasons for a child's absence. Parents should complete an attendance note outlining the reason for each absence. This can be completed using the Aladdin Schools Connect app.
The Education (Welfare) Act, 2000, Section 21 (4), requires the School Principal to inform an Education Welfare Officer of the aggregate number of school days on which a student is absent from school during a school year is 20 days or more.
Permission to leave early
Parents wishing to collect a pupil during school hours for reasons medical or otherwise should,
- Write a short note on the Aladdin Schools Connect app outlining the reason and stating the time of the appointment.
- Collect the pupil from the secretary's office.
Pupils cannot be released from the classroom to be met at the school gate, because teachers have no way of knowing whether the pupil's escort has arrived on time or not.
Pupils who are ill should stay at home until they are well enough to attend school. In case of infectious illnesses the school should be notified without delay.
If a child suffers a fall or injury or becomes ill in school, parents will be contacted by telephone. It is essential that the school has your home and work numbers, as well as that of a responsible person in the locality chosen by you to act on your behalf in an emergency.
We stress that emergency and contact numbers must be kept up to date. It is easy to update these details under your child's profile on the Aladdin Schools Connect app.