Access Keys:


School Awards


The Alan Moffitt Memorial Cup

This award, donated by the Moffitt family, will be presented annually to a pupil who exemplifies themselves as a well-rounded, model student.

The winning pupil will have many talents and qualities amongst which they will be found to:
• Consistently partake in all school activities, in a wholehearted way.
• Be kind, considerate and respectful of others.
• Work hard and make the best of themselves. (They do not need to be the most talented academically/creatively/musically).
• Enjoy competing eagerly in sport or athletics notwithstanding the result.
• Be friendly and have a positive outlook.

Our thanks to the Moffitt family for donating this beautiful cup in Alan’s memory. The winners have been as follows:

2020-2021 - Giacomo

2021-2022 - Anna and Max

2022 - 2023 - Sophie and Jamie

2023 - 2024 - Clara and Samanyu