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Green Schools


Carbury is going green!

There are seven essential steps to the Green-Schools' programme. We are now working towards our third Green Flag on the theme of 'Travel'.

The seven steps include:

  • Committee
  • Environmental Review
  • Action Plan
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Curriculum Work
  • Informing and Involving
  • Green Code

Our aim over the next two years is to increase the number of students walking, cycling, scooting, using public transport or carpooling to school.

Green-School Committee

Our Green-School's committee aims to direct and address all phases of the Green-Schools' Programme. Primarily the committee is made up of students, who were elected by their peers to represent each class, children who wrote letters of application and teachers, who have  a vested interest in the area.  All other teaching and ancillary staff will help to secure its implementation and assist with the communication of ideas and messages. The student body and the wider school community will commit to following and adhering to the good practice the Green-School committee shares with us. The main objectives of the committee is to:

  • Ensure the seven steps are successfully adopted and implemented
  • Give students a voice and to recognise their ideas are important
  • Ensure all opinions are heard from the school community and acted upon where appropriate
  • Ensure the continuity of the programme
  • Link with school management and the local community
31st May 2024
We celebrated the wonderful success of our school garden by having a whole school...
16th May 2024
All children from Junior Infants to Sixth Class enjoyed a break from their classrooms...
16th May 2024
The Green School Committee and the pupils of Carbury School would like to thank Joan...