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2023/2024 School Year

26th Feb 2024
Carbury School is very grateful to Sligo Tidy Towns for gifting a dwarf apple tree...
23rd Feb 2024
The 5 th  class students are participating in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme...
14th Feb 2024
Third Class students enjoyed making pyramids from marshmallows and spaghetti. Yum!
13th Feb 2024
Every class in Carbury School enjoyed delicious pancakes to celebrate Pancake Tuesday....
12th Feb 2024
As part of Aistear, Junior Infants were learning all about space which they loved....
12th Feb 2024
Garda Tara Lyons visited Carbury School this morning to share an important road...
9th Feb 2024
As part of PE Junior Infants have been learning gymnastics....
8th Feb 2024
First Class celebrated 100 days at school this week.  To celebrate we had some...
7th Feb 2024
1st Class pupils were introduced to some coding skills through the use of the ScratchJr...
6th Feb 2024
We celebrated Safer Internet Day in Carbury School. A big thank you to 4th Class...