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13th Feb 2017

Carbury School participates in 10mins of physical activity at 10am as part of Operation Transformation’s initiative to get primary school pupils active.

This year Operation Transformation teamed up with Active School Flag, to promote physical activity in primary schools. To celebrate ten years of Operation Transformation, Karl Henry wanted every primary school in Ireland to get moving for 10 minutes of exercise at 10am, February 10th. Carbury School took up the challenge at just before 10am, Michaela notified all classes that it was time to get outside and get moving. Children were delighted to have an extra break from the classroom and got to work getting active. Sixth class pupils demonstrated wonderful leadership skills guiding Infants, first and second and third class through a series of energetic exercises. So much fun was had by all that teachers would be happy for the 10@10 to become a regular part of school life.