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Active Flag Assessment Visit

19th Jun 2017

Carbury School gets Active for our assessment visit but will we be awarded our Active Flag??

The Active School Flag is a non-competitive initiative which seeks to recognise schools that strive to achieve a physically active and physically educated school community. Carbury School has a strong tradition of sports and activity and we were fully committed to the process of aquiring the flag. We worked hard to implement the necessary enhancements and self-evaluation procedures. On Friday, 9th June we welcomed the Active School Flag accreditor Mr. Eamon Mullen to our school for our assessment visit. He spent time with the Active Flag Committee and the Active Fag Co-ordinator and observed pupils getting active in the playground. Pupils from Infants to 6th Class demonstrated some of the new skills they have learned this year in the Carbury Gets Active demonstration. After a rigorous application process and inspection visit, the hard work has paid off and we are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the coveted Active School Flag. We would like to thank everyone who helped us achieve our goal, particularly the Active School Committee and those parents who gave of their time to visit us during Active School Week. We look forward to continuing our good work so carbury School remains an active school.